önceki karpostal

Kuzey Kıbırs – Northern Cyprus

sonraki karpostal

Hello Son.

I come for the first time to Cyprus. I liked it very much, I hope you”ll come here and make your own idea about it. Cyprus is an interesting place. Greeks and Turks used to live together before. Than some bad happenings occurred and the island apart into two piece. Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic is not recognized by world and those constraints many things.

Honestly speaking, it surprised me to see being so close each other in Lefkosa(Nikkosia) with Greek”s. When looking out of the office, where I worked yesterday, it was not possible to draw a line between green line(united nations territory), Greek Side, the border gate in between etc…

Well, this became a political contently card…

[mapsmarker marker=”174″]


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