önceki karpostal


sonraki karpostal

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My Dear Son,

We are apart since 10 days. I missed you very much. With Uncle Can, we are in Ankara in order to inspect production of turnstiles. You told me that you have a surprise for me, I can’t wait to see it.

Unfortunately, Grandgrandma Emine is in hostipital now a days. I’ve also visited her couple of times. Even she is so bad, you made her laugh.

Sometimes it is hard to write Toprak…


* Bu kart yazılırken, Toprak annesi ile beraber tatildeydi. Yaptığı sürpriz, tatildeki her gün yaptığı aktiviteleri resimli bir günlüğe kaydetmekmiş.

* Toprak was in holiday when this card was sent. The surprize to his father was a picture diary, where he recorded all activities he does in holiday everyday.

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Prag / Prague