önceki karpostal


sonraki karpostal

Toprak the sweety,

We saw a mailbox in Safranbolu, where we came with YTUFOK*. We said with Çağatay “Let’s send a postcard to Toprak”. We are writing those in the middle of an 350-year-old Chalet. You should also visit and stay in one of those Chalets one day. Comparing the soulless concrete buildings we are living in, the wooden skeleton of this chalet which holds it standing, makes us feel like we are living in a tree house. The feeling of confidence/trust, which is provided by wood and stone is stunning. And it is completely different, that in every step you take, the building make some noises as if it is alive.

Hope to see you one day. Kisses

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Diğer "Kartpostallar "

Babaeski-Fatherold :)
Natural History Museum / Doğal Tarih Müzesi
Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple